
Empowering Principals & Leaders to THRIVE


by Steve Zonnevylle / 5th February 2024


You take a look at the bedside clock. It’s glowing 3:00am and, truth be told, you’ve probably been awake for an hour already. There are nigglings, plans, and plain old emotions in the form of concerns rushing around your head.

Your mind is alive with thoughts. Many are worries. You lie there knowing that this could go on for a couple more hours, only subsiding into a deep sleep, ten minutes before it’s time to get up.

Emotions play a huge part in our principal roles. A school is a highly emotive place. There are highs and lows all the time. We live for these highs, and in a simple paradox, it is the lows that often make the highs so enjoyable. Like yin and yang, you need both.

The lows can have the power to swamp us, though. Especially if they’re coming at speed, one after another. It can be difficult to keep your head above water. This can result in routinely waking up in the middle of the night for many. Sadly, this is the reality of the job – it is volatile. This is not likely to change any time soon, so what can we do to limit the negative effects of these lows when we find ourselves awake far too early in the morning?

Switch off notifications: Turning off notifications on your phone or device has a significant positive impact on your thought processes. By doing this, you’re essentially putting up the closed sign at the front of the shop. If you do this on your phone each day, it’s a bit like telling your brain that you’re closed for business. Of course, many of you tech-savvy people will have some setting to automatically do this. Whatever works, just shut off those notifications and train your mind to recognise this as shutting up shop for the day.

Consider your brain as being half-open: Science tells us that the human brain is divided into two sides.

There’s a logical side and there’s a creative/imaginative side. At 3am, it really could be possible that only one half of your brain is open for business. If that is true, then it’s likely to be the imaginative side. You know what imaginative types are like – they come up with all sorts of left-field (left-brain) creative ideas. At 3am, your creative mind has suddenly woken up and it’s going to town with all sorts of thoughts. They are feeding your inner worries like wildfire.

Meanwhile, on the other side of your brain, the logical part is still fast asleep. There is nothing available to logically look at what your creative side is doing. There is nothing open to take a breath and say, ‘Hold on, that’s a little bit crazy’. This is why, when you wake up in the morning, you’ll think you’ve solved an issue in the middle of the night, only to find that in the light of day, the solution is actually pretty naff.

 3am diversion therapy: It sounds like a great name for a rock band, but it’s a little strategy that we’ve given a name. Basically, there are many ways to divert your thinking from 3am worries. If your mind is open to thinking, then you might as well get it thinking about some worry-less material, not worry-more. This strategy is a bit like counting sheep and, with practice, it is useful. So instead of counting sheep try doing this:

  • Remember all the living rooms that you have lived in throughout your life. Including those dirty flats! If there aren’t many, work on remembering where the couch was, or where the TV was, in each room. Don’t focus on the ‘exciting’ memories/emotions that each room may give. You want your brain to be as taxed as possible on the details of those rooms, not on any emotions.
  • If living rooms isn’t doing it, try bathrooms, or kitchens, or backyards.
  • Anything slightly boring and just a little taxing will work. Every time you find your mind wandering back to the big worry topic, stop yourself and re-start your diversion, and each time, make your brain start again from the beginning.

    Give in and get up: If you’re really struggling, get up. Make a cup of very sweet Milo and write down your thoughts. Get them all down. Let your mind go wild. Don’t worry about whether anything is wrong or right. The only person who will be judging this outpouring is you. So, you might as well go for it.

    Before you go to bed, give in: Crank open your laptop. Don’t check your emails!! Instead, make a list of everything on your mind. Fingers crossed that the list isn’t too long! Write a quick thumbnail sketch like a paragraph about what has to happen with each item on the list. Don’t go into it in detail. If you wake up at 3am, let yourself know that you’ve already got this sorted! This gives your logical side power over your creative side, without even having to wake that part of your brain up!

    There are plenty of ways of dealing with 3am worries. You certainly aren’t alone. Your sleep is vital, so finding something that works without reverting to copious amounts of alcohol has got to be a good. Be creative, but don’t let your mind move on to what’s worrying you. That’ll just keep you up all night.

    So what?

    I really really really don't have time for sleep!

    1. Your body's not a machine: Yes, you can push yourself for a while, but sooner or later, your body's going to say, "Enough is enough!" Sleep isn't optional; it's essential for your physical and mental health.
    2. Brainpower needs a reboot: Ever tried to tackle a problem working far too long and into the small hours? Sleep is when your brain recharges and processes all the things that happened during the day.
    3. Mood swings are no fun: Ever notice how moody you get after a sleepless night? Sleep deprivation messes with your mood, turning you into something that is nowhere near an advert for your best self.
    4. Mistakes happen: Ever hit "reply all" instead of "reply" after a long day working? Yes, sleep deprivation messes with your focus and concentration, making silly mistakes more likely.
    5. Health is wealth: Skipping out on sleep isn't just about feeling groggy the next day; it's about putting your health at risk. Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to all sorts of nasty stuff, like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
    6. Productivity takes a nosedive: Ever feel like you're spinning on the hampster wheel after a sleepless night? That's because you are! Sleep deprivation wrecks your productivity, leaving you feeling like you're stuck in quicksand.
    7. Beauty sleep is real: Ever woken up looking like you got hit by a tornado after a rough night? Sleep helps your body repair itself, leaving you looking fresh-faced and ready to take on the world.
    8. Relationships suffer: Ever snapped at someone you care about after a sleepless night? Yes, it's not a good look, and not particularly professional in a work sense. Sleep deprivation turns even the sweetest person into a fire-breathing dragon.
    9. Safety first: Ever tried to operate heavy machinery after a sleepless night? Sleep deprivation slows your reaction times and impairs your judgment, making accidents more likely.
    10. Life's too short: Seriously, life's too short to spend it feeling like a zombie. Sleep isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. So, next time you catch yourself saying "I don't have time for sleep," remember that you're really just robbing yourself of the energy and vitality you need to live your best life.

    Watch these TED talks for more information and inspiration...

    About the Author:

    Steve is an articulate, creative, and competent professional. He values the fostering of positive relationships and revels in working within team environments. The majority of his working career has been in leadership positions in Education. He has nearly 30 years of Primary Principal experience in the New Zealand school setting. He brings to Thrive a multitude of skills that cross over successfully in many working environments.His passions include music, writing and running.

    However the thing he loves most is connecting with fellow human beings and working alongside them in order to support them in being the very best that they can. Steve is passionate about Principalship. He believes that being a Principal is one of the most important and privileged vocations on the planet. However he feels saddened that the role now appears to have become so complex and vast that quality people no longer see it as a long term career like he was able to enjoy, and instead shine bright and then burn out far too soon.

    He sees this as a perfect conduit to express his own skills and expertise in a manner that will guide and support Principals so that they too can continue to grow in a positive and healthy manner for many, many years.

    Steve Zonnevylle- Learning Coach at Spectrum Online Academy

    Steve Zonnevylle

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