
About David & Steve...

David and Steve have fifty years of combined Principal experience in New Zealand.
Their aim is to fuel a conversation about how this role works, or should work. Leading a school is a complex job. A growing issue for those doing the work, is that the current model of how it should be done is being systermatically overwhelmed by ever increasing demands - from Government, parents, staff and students.
To do the job effectively, sustainably, and healthily, we need to change things - we need to rewrite some rules"", they say.

Find out more at https://40hourprincipal.com/

Steve Zonnevylle & David Armstrong

The Forty Hour Principal Project

Well being and building a healthy sustainability in a world of constant change

In this session you will learn...

* Understand that what they need to do is sustainable - especially so from a health and well being point of view
* Understand that the role of Principal and Teacher gives us a unique opportunity to role model how a sustainable work life looks, feels and plays out
* Give some useful tips that put the human back into our roles


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