

Delicious Dishes & Positive Vibes

Delivery is expected early February 2024.

About The Book 

A Taste of Gratitude  is not just a recipe book. It's a journey of deliciousness to clear your mind, nourish your body and feed your soul. It contains 17 recipes which cater for vegetarian, vegan, gluten and processed sugar-free lifestyles. All natural ingredients are used. In fact - not only did Karen write this book, she made all the recipes and took the photos to show you!

It also has beautiful gratitude quotes to ponder and reflect upon whilst preparing each healthful dish.

Karen has also added bonus pages with some of her lifestyle tips and protocols to increase your energy and vitality!

Take a Sneak Peak Inside

Order today and you'll receive a personally signed copy for NZ$27 + p&h PLUS a FREE  Self Care Body Salt Scrub Recipe (not for eating!)

About The Author

Karen Tui Boyes, Founder of the Spectrum Online Academy

Karen Tui Boyes is a champion for LifeLong Learning and is on a mission to transform education globally. Described as an educational alchemist, a conscious creator and a playful priestess, she turns research into practical strategies which positively impact teaching and learning.

A multi-award-winning speaker, educator and businesswoman, Karen is an expert in effective teaching, learning, study skills, motivation and positive thinking. She is the CEO of Spectrum Education, Principal of Spectrum Online Academy and the author of 11 books. She loves empowering teachers, parents and students and is the wife to one and the mother of two young adults.

Passionate about well-being, personal mastery and gratitude, Karen has combined all 3 into this recipe book. She believes when you work on yourself personally, you become better professionally. She says "It's all about the 'inner game' and the 'fuel' you consume."

Karen was named the Global Evolutionary Woman of the Year 2022.

Order your Copy/s Today 

Order today and you'll receive a

personally signed copy

for NZ$27 + p&h

Invite Karen to facilitate wellbeing sessions with your team or speak at your next event...

Whether in person or a virtual presentation, Karen is an engaging speaker who gives her audience practical ideas, tips and solutions. Her groundedness and witty charm will have participants not only inspired they will be motivated to take action.

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